This is how you achieve your goals.

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Jan 14, 2024

It's 2024

You wanna make this year your year. You already have your New Years Resolutions written down and now you want to actually achieve them. You clicked on the right email.

1. Identify your goals

You need to know what you're working too before you start working. Now think real hard.

What do you want to achieve in these last few days? Want to you want to achieve next year? Get rich? Gain muscle? Dominate school? Whatever it is, make it clear. Write it down on a piece of paper and stick it to your door. That's what I do, it is seems to be working.

Also, make it more specific. Rather than saying "Gain muscle", you should be more specific, and reframe it as "Gain 10 pounds of muscle by the end of this month". This gives you a clearer baseline and actually allows you to identify if you have achieved your goal or not.

2. Set habits 

Now, you've got to actually achieve those goals. First off, turn those goals into actionable steps. Using the goal mentioned before, we can reframe those goals into steps to complete to achieve those goals.

For example, if you wanted to gain 10 pounds of muscle by the end of this month, you need to identify what needs to happen to achieve this goal. You probably have to eat a strict diet, workout regularly, and track progress consistently. 

Now, it's just as simple as turning those steps into habits. Print out a habit tracker, write those habits down, and stick it on your bedroom door. This way, you get reminded everyday to work towards your goals.

Also, a better alternative to the paper habit tracker is our newly updated Notion Habit Tracker Template. No need to print out anything. Click the button below to get your template for free!

Get Notion Habit Tracker 2.0 for FREE

3. Get to work

Those habit aren't going to achieve themselves. They're going to need hard work and dedication, if you want them to be implemented into your life. If your struggling to keep consistent with your habits, maybe they could be improved. Read the image below, and you might find the answers to your problems.

In case you were wondering, this image was from our Twitter page. If you want more content like this, feel free to follow our Twitter. Click here to follow me on Twitter.

That's it for now

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